Paschoe House Occupants 1870 - 1940

Some Interesting Occupants of Paschoe House 1870 - 1940

After the Calmady-Hamlyn family ceased to live in the new house at Paschoe, it was occupied by various tenants until St Georges School arrived in 1940.

An early occupier was Mr Robert Lodwick Esq. He was a sporting gentleman who, within a few weeks of his arrival, had invited the local hunt to breakfast at Paschoe. He was also something of an entertainer and, at local events, would delight the audience with humorous songs. He left Paschoe in 1887 somewhat under a cloud. A local carter successfully sued him for non-payment of the part of the haulage costs incurred in taking his furniture to Copplestone station.

He was followed by a Captain Barton who, although only 30, was a retired officer in Her Majesty’s Dragoon Guards. He and his wife played a prominent role in local affairs during his time there. They provided an annual Christmas tea and presents at Paschoe for the parish’s children. In 1892 over 100 children were entertained to tea at Paschoe. When they left in 1894, they held a tea party in the field opposite Dicklegg Cottages, where over 400 people gathered. After the party, the children presented them with a pair of silver candlesticks as a token of thanks.

Soon after, John Valentine King arrived from Norfolk and was at Paschoe until 1912. Mr King was a keen, if somewhat unfortunate, motorist. In early 1908 he was fined for causing an accident in Exeter by excessive speed. Later that year, near Morchard Road, his car, described as a Stanley steam car valued at £700, overheated and caught fire and was completely burnt out.

Following Mr King, Mr Robert Templar, with his family and servants, spent several years at Paschoe. Apart from being a churchwarden, he became the Colebrooke sports committee president. The Templars had aroused considerable interest in the parish as one of their servants, who often accompanied them to church, was coloured, probably one of the first to be seen in Colebrooke. The Templar family caused some excitement when they left in 1924. One of the removal vans carrying their furniture to Upcott near Barnstaple caught fire at Copplestone, and several valuable items were destroyed.

The final private residents at Paschoe were Charles Robert Tritton, a retired bank manager, and his wife, Gwladys. They arrived during 1926 from Essex with a large staff and stayed until the outbreak of the war when they appeared to have moved to Exwick. During his time at Paschoe, amongst other local interests, Charles served as a churchwarden helping with the fundraising for the repair of the church bells in 1934.

© Neville P. Enderson